Thursday, June 25, 2015

Batman Arkham Knight...Disappointment

Who else was crazy excited for the release of Batman Arkham Knight? After so much hype and awesome trailers for the game, I had pre-ordered the PC game for my husband and myself. Now my husband and I love gaming, when we get a chance, of course (hey we do have 3 kids).

Here is the scenario: I had finally gotten my very cranky kids to bed as it was a very looooooong and hot day and I admit this mommy needed some mommy alone time. After a quick, refreshing shower, I went onto my PC downloaded the game and proceeded to play...well, I tried. When I say it was so ridiculously slow loading, I do not kid. Then once it was downloaded it kept freezing on the main screen. Ok, at this point, I was getting a bit frustrated and wanted to throw my laptop out the window. Once it unfroze enough for me to actually move around, I could barely differentiate what was what. At first I thought, maybe its my connection, but then I heard a groan of frustration from my husband in our office space. He yelled over to me, "Hey what's with this game?!" That is when I went online to see maybe I downloaded it wrong and to see if anyone else was having the same issue. Lo and behold, EVERYONE was having the same issue. I understand that games can have bugs, but with the much anticipated release and really all the hype about it, I was very disappointed. Thankfully, I did get my money back, but what I really wanted is to have a way less buggy game.

Anyone else disappointed by the release of this Batman game?

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